Contributed talks

Call for Papers

On behalf of the Scientific Committee, we are pleased to invite you to submit an extended abstract/short paper to the International Conference on Computational Finance 2019.

The Scientific Committee will select the submitted works attending to:

  • affinity with the thematics of the conference
  • novel aspects of the proposal


    possibility of later publication in the special issues agreed with different specialized scientific journals.



A booklet will include the Conference Proceedings with the publication of the accepted short papers. It will be distributed at the conference. Texts should not exceed 4 pages. The acceptable formats for the texts are:


  • Microsoft Word word, OpenDocument Odt

  • TeX text, LaTeX  Latex   (preferred)


In the latter case, you should compile your code using the class defined for this purpose, that you can download here: iccf2019.cls. We provide an example file in different formats: latex code, pdf format.

The same individual cannot present more than one paper.

Deadline for paper submission: February 15, 2019 March 15, 2019.